God is the Provider

God is the Provider and to be like Abba in this world, but not of it, requires one to multiply their talents. In The Family: A Proclamation to the World the Lord’s servants teach the ideal family setting. A man and a woman, twine in flesh have different roles within the family unit: the man has the three P’s (Protect, Preside, and Provide) and the woman is to nurture.

This notion has been a battle for me, as I strive to have an eye single to the glory of God. Ever since serving a mission as a young man to Outer Mongolia, I have dreamt of being a full time missionary. But then, you come home and are taught to learn how to do the 3 P’s for your family. When you start that family, your eyes are opened to the fact that you have more people to care for than yourself.

Time and time again, I have been in pursuit of providing for my family and then I have sabotaged my good fortune in the name of not doing the Lord’s work, or to find greener pastures elsewhere.

June 2023 I decided to run my own business knowing the Lord would provide. Well, we did provide and we had a roof over our heads—but the providing did not come in the form of being compensated for my labors. It came with assets of other persons.

Finally, after hemorrhaging funds on ads, editors, VA, etc.—for some 6 months—without an income. I returned to an entrepreneurial gig that I had done previously.

I worked my guts out for 10 weeks and actually made some money to provide for our needs and it was intoxicating to fill the void. However, with this turn in events, I was rarely home and when I was home after little ones were in bed, I would work into the late hours producing content. Then arise early for the gym, eat breakfast as a family and repeat.

I was on fire and the Lord sustained me; however, my family paid dearly and the last two weeks of the ten week stint, I determined to provide for my family another way.

Initially it was my intent to receive money as a coach and to use my talents coaching clients to put the Lord first in their lives. Yet, time and time again, I felt unease with such a notion of collecting money for services rendered. Deep down I knew that the word of the Lord should be free, and that I was to be free with my substance.

When it comes to being free with your substance, I’m not referring to opening a food bank, nor a charity foundation to be a philanthropist. Like Paul taught, faith is a substance of things hoped for but not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Meaning being free with my substance of faith.

I recall a former leader in my life, saying that within his local church there were many wealthy men. They would be free with their money, but they would not share their knowledge to help their neighbors get out of poverty-mindsets.

On another occasion, I recall a friend complaining about online leaders giving value away, but at the end of the day they just wanted you to pay them a boatload of money to put what they taught into work.

Here is the point. After a lifetime of struggle with providing for my family, desiring to go without purse or script, but then wanting to get off of the dole, then doing well, then falling back to wanting to create free content—and after forty years of trying to answer the question, what should I do when I grow up … I finally have the answers.

In the name of being free with my substance, I have created this website—www.emulatechrist.com to share the wisdom of the ages. Wisdom granted and received over the past 30+ years of consecrated effort—to see what He could make of me.

The initial intent of this website is to maintain a video podcast and blog, eventually it would host a social media platform and an e-learning center. But for now the community is found here: https://skool.com/emulatechrist.

You are welcome and encouraged to explore and share what you find here. There is no cost to the services. However, if you are in the position to exchange talents, you are welcome to click the gratuity tab to help offset the cost of development, production, and to help my family be free with our financial substance too.

Now if you would like to work with me 1:1, I would be happy to provide this service … However, since it would be diving into my family, creative, or work time, I would need to charge for these services. Ideally I would like to produce content full-time with some coaching here and there, but in the meantime I am working a side-gig to meet my family’s needs. Furthermore, coming back to where we started herein on God being the Provider … He does provide and likewise commands you to provide for those under your stewardship—while in the world, but not being of it.

Ideally the human race will move in the direction of multiplying and exchanging of one’s talents—as it moves towards being of one heart and one mind, with no poor among it (As Zion is defined in Moses 7:18). In the meantime, let’s not forget the Lord’s command to work by the sweat of our brow. Let’s go to work by day, and rejoice by night in sharing the good news from the housetops—including online.

Be the light on the hill, within your stewardships. Learn your role and magnify your duty and office therein. If your creative talents don’t pay the bills, yet, dive into a gig that will enable you to provide for your family, while pursuing God’s Kingdom Come from the Inside-Out.

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